Education: Getting a degree may not be everything


A lot of kids at age 17 or 18 are often not clear, about what career would fit them best. Add to that is a changing world, that would make things even more confusing. The job opportunities that exist now were absent ten years ago and so it is quite likely that what you train for now might not be enough sooner or later.

At one point degrees were the sole motivating factor for higher education. There was prestige in the number of degrees you ‘gathered’ or what degree, for that matter, you attained. Although degrees continue to be relevant, somehow they no longer are a defining factor for some jobs at the entry level. Continue reading “Education: Getting a degree may not be everything”

Tech: 3D printer making way into schools.


There is this buzz about 3D printers everywhere around you, isn’t there? Everybody seems to be talking about it.  The manufacturing potential of products that are being spoken of, seem limitless. However, my interest in the 3D technology is based on two factors;  that it is immensely useful for students even at school level, and that I have recently become a huge fan of a 19 year old boy, Angad Daryani, from Mumbai.

Continue reading “Tech: 3D printer making way into schools.”

Bullying: It exits! What can you and your child’s school do?

pupils-school-children-red-scarf-159671.jpegA generation earlier, facing a bully or being a bully had been a part of ‘growing up’. When you face the bully it was meant to teach you to be resilient. As a bullying kid, you were asked to reflect upon your own actions when things go wrong beyond your expectations. In fact, both as a victim and the bully, you were meant to learn from consequences.

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Love: 7 reasons why I think my mom is so cool <3

I was about 3 years old, when I remember my mom standing by the door in a blue chiffon nightgown. She was amazingly beautiful. I did not think anyone or anything could be more elegantly pretty. I could not take my eyes off her face. She had been singing to me. I still remember the song…..” Va mummy va mummy va….vannoru umma tha mummy tha mummy tha”….The song had been crappy but I fell in love with her.

Continue reading “Love: 7 reasons why I think my mom is so cool <3”

Humour: Why it’s important to have your child’s funny side up!

A good sense of humour would come in handy for all of your child’s life. It is a great communicative skill that will let your child have perspectives different from what is the obvious. Children survive adversities or everyday challenges, perhaps family problems, teasing or facing bullies when they ‘see’ the funny side of things.

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